Launching to HireBeat

Turn Talent Sourcing on Autopilot

HireBeat does what your ATS and job boards can’t. Get your ideal candidate profile with a single ‘source of truth’ so you can grow like a startup and hire like an enterprise.

Our Product As Seen On


Build your talent pool with SPEED

Leverage our talent prospecting software to request a reliable talent list. Easily build your recruiting pipeline with powerful filters and increase recruiting productivity by 45%.


” HireBeat is very easy to use, workflows are very helpful and being able to share jobs and candidates across our organization is a tremendous time saver.Having all hiring managers and recruiters on one platform has allowed us to streamline the hiring process, saving us at least 100+ hours of follow-up time..”

Get your ideal candidates with QUALITY

Instantly receive a list of ideal candidate profiles that match your job post in half the time. Transforming your talent pipeline into the best source of candidates and hires – not a source of guessing.


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